So far my dream is just a dream. But maybe one day, if I work hard enough, I can achieve it.
Here is a snippet of my dream:
What Kinds of Books would I like to Write?
On how to understand what understanding is - and how this connects us to everyday life.
A serious philosophical work on the self- organisational aspects of information in a historical context - ranging from ancient times and to today.
On the relationship of Truth, Beauty and Ethics - and how we can live by engaging interchangeably with this trifecta.
The book I'm writing now, The Steps of Etemenanki, a grand vision of building a coherent modern world view, and how to detail it out, without turning to complete scepticism or conservative views.
A serious philosophical work on notation, what it is, and how we might change from learning to write to learning a nomenclature for making symbols.
A Sociological work on the development of Norwegian school curriculae, their historical heritage, and their dynamic development.
A Book about what it is possible to think, and how this shapes our world.