Dreaming about writing

I have this dream where I have a room of my own, a writing desk, and time enough to write what I want. I want to write beautifully, truly and rightly. I want to write for people who like to read - and who, like myself, like to explore the culture we are a part of. To people who cherish life, and who cherish it more and more because they ever increase their knowledge of it.
So far my dream is just a dream. But maybe one day, if I work hard enough, I can achieve it.
Here is a snippet of my dream:

What Kinds of Books would I like to Write?

On the different kinds of messages in common myths, and what they can tell us are the chief concerns of people everywhere.

On how to understand what understanding is - and how this connects us to everyday life.

A serious philosophical work on the self- organisational aspects of information in a historical context - ranging from ancient times and to today.

On the relationship of Truth, Beauty and Ethics - and how we can live by engaging interchangeably with this trifecta.

The book I'm writing now, The Steps of Etemenanki, a grand vision of building a coherent modern world view, and how to detail it out, without turning to complete scepticism or conservative views.

A serious philosophical work on notation, what it is, and how we might change from learning to write to learning a nomenclature for making symbols.

A Sociological work on the development of Norwegian school curriculae, their historical heritage, and their dynamic development.

A Book about what it is possible to think, and how this shapes our world.